It's taken me a while to realise that while this blog was originally set up to let me express my love of all things superficial (because finding people in real life who can listen to me talk about one aspect of a mascara for 15 minutes without wanting to hit me/run away/fall unconscious is surprisingly difficult) it doesn't just have to be that. It's my slice of interwebs and if I want to write a post about nothing then I can do that too.
So that's what I'm doing...
It's currently 2:44am and I am awake for no apparent reason, having also been awake until 5:30 yesterday morning and having around 4 hours sleep (plus a sneaky nap until 8:30 this eve, waking in time for Torchwood, which I like to watch but which has a tendency to leave me rather confused..). This isn't particularly unusual, my body likes to remind me that it is totally convinced it is right in thinking night time is the best time to be awake but it had been considerably better for a few months and I was enjoying my more normal sleeping habits.
Whatever. Stressing about it gets me nowhere and I'm making the most of the time. I live in the middle of nowhere (not literally, like a black hole) and it is totally silent here tonight. Some nights I can hear sheep chewing (they have no respect for night time and call across the field and play their music loudly...) and coughing and other times it's cows but tonight it is silent. And dark. Totally, pitch black, dark out there. I love it. I grew up until age 11 with a street light right outside my window so the dark used to freak the hell out of me (monsters and spiders and bizarre people and strange dreams and all).
Perfect. I've talked myself to sleep now, and will risk clicking publish in this half asleep state and hope that this doesn't strike me as a hideously-boring-mistake of a post when I wake...!
If you're very unlucky there may be more of these entirely irrelevant ramblings.
1 comment:
Where's the like button on here? Well consider this as my *like* for this post.
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